Morning of the Parade

You can start arriving at 7:30am. We would like all floats lined up and ready to go by no later than 9:30am. Check in is on 11th Street, by the old St. Anthony's school.

Lining up along Riverside Drive behind the RCMP will be all Fire trucks, ambulances, and any First Nations emergency vehicles.

Clan Maxwell will be at the front of the line on 10th Street.

Following Clan Maxwell will be, in this order, Drumheller Legion and then the Guard of Honor, Town of Drumheller (Mayor), Rotary Citizen of the Year/ Most Courteous employee.

All remaining entries will begin on 11th Street. This year we will be lining up registrants on a first come, first served basis as you arrive. We will confirm registration & direct you to your location.

Be sure to have a copy of your registration, insurance and drivers license ready to show when checking in.

***If you have music of any kind, we need to know so we don’t place you near another float with music.